
Saturday, December 12, 2015

Eleventh: Kill Me


Today, I fucked up by not listening to my gut. I fucked up by not following my rules. I fucked up by acting too emotional. All these put together have left me in a state of depression. I used to think that I needed more time, but now I think it's something different. I trained my brain to lose. My win rate since the beginning of December has been 12% which means I only won one out of my eight trades. Maybe all this is a sign that I was made to lose so others can win. Maybe I subconsciously like to lose because it sure looks that way. I am hesitant on low risk winning trades and constantly take trades that are high risk and low reward. 

I think I am going to switch my strategy to actively look for ways to lose. I don't want to win anymore. Hey market, come and wipe out my $1500 account. Come and fucking kill me while you're at it. I don't give a fuck anymore.  

Ticker: FNSR

A beautiful setup.
Note: How perfect can this be? A gap up above all the resistance and clear skies above. 

The opportunity I missed.
Note: After writing this, I think I figured out what was wrong with me. I am scared of being wrong and I must admit it to get better. If I don't admit this, I will never get better.

Note: I need to realize that it is okay to be wrong. 

I tried to play the continuation, but it didn't work.
Note: I am happy how I didn't stick around as soon as I saw the stuff. This is the type of improvement I have been looking for.  

Ticker: UDF

After its lows, the chart came back and I was anticipating a long. This play was a fuck up.
Note: There was no point in time that this trade was viable. I was a fucking idiot for considering this without referring to other time frames.

The other time frame
 Note: Again, I must investigate other time frames to see if the trade is worth it.

Ticker: MNGA
I got in for the lower high, but it went higher.
Note:This chart just didn't work. Perhaps I could have been a little more patient to see if it confirms. 

Ticker: GLW
I ran out of patience.
Note: I ran out of patience and took the profit. The two plays here were to set stop higher and be patient or to grab the profit. Since it was 14:30-15:30, I wanted to grab the profit.

Please let me know if you have any comments or opinions. I would like to know if you have spotted any mistakes in my logic.

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